The United Arab Front (UAF) asks the Iraqi prime minister to dismiss Rakan al-Jabouri from Kirkuk governorship because he has been “negligent and has used governorship” for his personal and partisan interest.
The UAF, which was formed last year by numerous Arab political parties and tribes, today, May 31, issued a statement, in which they submitted a request to Iraqi primie minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi to dismiss al-jaburi from governorship and appointing an independent governor, who is not affiliated with any party and has equal relations with the ethnic groups of the city. Also, the new governor has to be banned from running in the elections so that he will not abuse the position.”
“This request is to preserve the achievements of the rule of law and it [the situation] has reached a red line because Arabs and other citizens have been exposed to threats,” the statement says, “the governor has been accused of any corruption cases and there are cases on him at the integrity commission.”
The UAF, perceived as the competitor to Arab Coalition led by governor al-Jabouri, said, “the local administration has turned into a personal administration and carelessly dismisses qualified people,” adding that there are no strategic plans to build hospitals, residential areas and water sieges as well as to improve the supply of electricity and water.

Rakan al-Jaborui, acting Kirkuk governor. Photo: al-Jabouri Facebook page
The UAF hold al-Jabori for the lack of such strategic plans and claims that, “he has caused the Arab division and has abused their rights. He allocates the administrative positions to people who are from his tribe or are close to him. He dismissed qualified Arabs, who are not loyal to him and his party and plays with the capacity of the province.”
According to the statement, they are also holding him responsible for the new appointments done to the Kirkuk’s office of Iraqi High Independent Electoral Commission (IHEC), “the shares of the Arabs in the office have not been taken into consideration and he is responsible for that… there are intentional negligence that he was not in contact with the IHEC commissioners in Baghdad to observe the changes.”
On May 23, IHEC made structural changes to its office in Kirkuk, that included the appointments of new directors for head of the office and its sections. The new changes were soon disputed by the Turkmen and Arab parties.
Last week, the Turkmen Eli party also called for the replacement of al-Jabouri with a Turkmen governor and accused him for lack of transparency and failure.