2021-02-09 Finally Fawzia wins! KirkukNow releases "Kaka'is in the Time of Corona" KirkukNow media outlet proudly publishes its first printed booklet titled "Kaka'is in the Time of Corona," funded by the Coalition for Religious Equality... KDP willing to participate in October parliamentary elections in Kirkuk Kurdistan Democratic Party KDP is willing to participate in Iraqi parliament elections, due next October, in Kirkuk unlike 2018 elections, senior official... Kirkuk residents critical of garbage pick-up campaign Kirkuk residents for the piles of garbage and waste all over the city blame local authorities whom in turn call for adequate budget from Baghdad. Kirkuk... The Camerawoman of the Kabartw IDP camp: New life and new fans For long days, camp of the displaced was a hell for Nissan Mirza. She had no friends and all were making fun of the "little person." She quits school and... A displaced Ezidi missing since five days An Ezidi displaced resident of an IDP camp is missing since five days. His relatives contacted security forces to find him as they could not gather any... No salary deduction of civil servants and pensioners in 2021 budget Iraqi parliament speaker confirmed on Saturday that parliamentary finance committee has decided not to deduct any percentage of wages for civil servants and... ISIS attacks thwarted south west of Kirkuk ISIS launched several attacks south west of Kirkuk, one thwarted once it was monitored by night vision cameras, security sources said. A number of IS... Wages of 2,000 Ezidi Peshmarga unpaid for three months Peshmarga forces of Shingal have not been paid three months and the ministry of Peshmarga denied any prior knowledge about the issue. KirkukNow has come to... Evacuation of illegally-built houses in Kirkuk temporarily suspended North Oil Company of Kirkuk temporarily suspended process of evacuation and demolition hundreds of houses built on its plots of land amid protests of... Turkmen women call to uncover fate of 1300 missing Turkmen abducted by ISIS Turkmen activists and NGOs call upon Iraqi authorities to uncover fate of 1300 kidnapped by Islamic State ISIS militants in Talafar, west of Mosul. The... 38 square KM of mines to be cleared in Kirkuk 38 square KM of mines planted by Islamic State in Kirkuk province has not been demined, senior official of Iraqi ministry of interior said in a press... Covid-19 cases spiked 1% across Iraq in January Covid-19 infection cases have spiked remarkably across Iraq in January due to public socializing and overlooking health measures, Iraqi minister of health... ‹ 1 2 ... 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 ... 191 192 ›