2022-10-12 Two journalists from Erbil arrested by Sulaymaniyah Security for two lawsuits Khanaqin mayor: media need police permission for media coverage The mayor of Khanaqin district, northeast of Baghdad, called on the police not to allow any journalists or media teams to work in the district without... Security forces ban journalists from covering rally in front of Iran Consulate in Erbil Two journalists were subjected to violations, including prevention of coverage, confiscation of journalistic materials and threats, while covering a protest... Security forces discriminate journalists covering Erbil fire Police harm and harass journalists from three independent media outlets during the coverage of the fire erupted in the Downtown shopping center in Erbil... Story of abuse against TV reporter and his assistant A correspondent of Nalia Radio and Television NRT and his assistant were arrested by security forces in Khalifan district of Soran autonomous administration... Duhok security forces (Asayish) shut office of news website The security forces of Duhok Northern Province have closed the office of a local news website for 16 days without giving any explanation for the closure,... Erbil Journalist released on bail for two million dinars A Kurdish journalist has been detained for about ten hours in a police station in Erbil due to lawsuit filed by a doctor for using a video of his clinic for... Violations against journalists covering Erbil drone attack Journalists working in various media organizations once again were subject to violations, their press equipment confiscated by the security forces while... Federal police detain two journalists south of Kirkuk The Iraqi Federal Police have detained two journalists belonging working for a TV channel for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in a district south of... Countering online hate speech: creating counter narrative through good journalism and working with young people In the final episode of a series of podcasts on identifying and countering hate speech produced by the Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive... Kurdish authorities likely involved in kidnapping and murder of young journalist, newly published investigation Kurdish authorities were likely directly involved in the 2010 kidnapping and murder of a young journalist, a newly published investigation by three... 280 violations against journalists in Iraq The Press Freedom Advocacy Association in Iraq PFAA monitored 280 cases of violations against journalists from May 3, 2021 to May 2, 2022 per which Baghdad... Journalists denounce access denial to Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament A group of journalists and media outlets criticize the presidency of Iraqi Kurdistan parliament for impeding coverage of parliament sessions while the... ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ›