Request Previously Rejected by Iraqi parliament<br>Kirkuk Governor Addresses Baghdad to Pay 5,000 Educators of KRG
Request Previously Rejected by Iraqi parliament
Kirkuk Governor Addresses Baghdad to Pay 5,000 Educators of KRG






Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive‌


Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple
Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple‌


Don't Emigrate, Return to Your Homeland
Residential Compound for Christian Community in Mosul
8,000 Reintegrated into Society
Iraqi Government Evacuated 10,000 ISIS Relatives from Al-Hol Camp
Five Hospitals Soon in Nineveh
Provincial Council Closely Monitors Progress
14 Mayors of Ninewa Districts and Sub-Districts Laid Off, Replacements not Confirmed Yet Three Mass Graves of Ezidis and Shiites to be Exhumed in Shingal


In Degala, Symbol of Civil War: KRG Security Forces Curb Sulaimaniyah Protesting Teachers People of Nineveh Eager to Register Illegal Houses, Concerned about Fees Hope to Return to School and Meet my Mother, Last Survivor of ISIS Passengers Highly Pay for Khanaqin-Kalar Two-Way, One-Lane Highway 75,000 Hectares of Agricultural Land to be Returned to Kurdish and Turkmen Farmers in Kirkuk


Kirkuk Suffers from Stray Dogs
Shooting Stopped, Shelter “Useless”
World's First Digital ISIS Prisons Museum: A Living Memorial Fever of Provincial Council Disputes Strikes Salahuddin: Current President Besieged, Former Rejects Court Verdict Loud Voices in Provincial Councils
Women Face Challenges in Local Decision-making
KRG Bans Hundreds of Ezidi (Yazidi) Pilgrims from Visiting Lalish Temple


Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple Ashura in Kirkuk and Khanaqin Massive dust storm in disputed territories Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive

My Story

Rubar’s Passion Turned into Profession, Boosting Greenery From engineering to accessory design: Nagham won the bet! Kurdish Activist at Climate Change Summit, Who is Hella Jalal? Muhannad: Veterinarian volunteered to save stray animals Laila Ahmed: I convey voice of marginalized

From Environment

Sulaimaniyah Oxygen Plant Faces Challenges Local initiative Determines Air Quality, Pollution Back to Village: Initiative Booms Domestic Production, Job Opportunities Green Roof: Hard Concrete into Floral Garden Hajiawa Environmental Ambassador: Plant Trees for Deceased per Age, Newborns
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