Kirkuk Situation is not in Interest of Province, Arab and Turkmen Opposition Blocs Syrian Journalist’s Acquittal by Iraqi Kurdistan Court Pending Printing for 12 Days Dowry Should Be Cut in Half, Shingal (Sinjar) Tribes Zlu'iya Volunteers Available Whenever, Wherever Needed From IDP Camp Tent to Home TentResidents of Village Returned after 50 Years
Registration of Illegal Houses across Iraq Excluding KirkukPUK and KDP Entrust it to Special Committee Following Six-Months Training Project
Network of Female Journalists for Environmental Reporting in Iraq Recruiting 7,000 Employees in Kirkuk is Complicated, Council Member Nineveh: Over Two Million Acres Excluded in Agricultural Plan Kirkuk provincial Council Meetings Disrupted
Fever of Provincial Council Disputes Strikes Salahuddin: Current President Besieged, Former Rejects Court Verdict Loud Voices in Provincial CouncilsWomen Face Challenges in Local Decision-making KRG Bans Hundreds of Ezidi (Yazidi) Pilgrims from Visiting Lalish Temple We Will Implement Giant Projects Once Budget Arrives
Vice President of Diyala Provincial Council Confidently to KirkukNow Kirkukis Unaware of Paying Taxes on Greens