Talabani Youth in Daquq: We Want Job Opportunities in Electricity Project
Talabani Youth in Daquq: We Want Job Opportunities in Electricity Project






Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive‌


Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple
Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple‌


Kurdistan Region Education Exempts ISIS Survivors from Age Restriction New Protrait of Soran Mama Hama on Kirkuk Citadel Fence Government Reward for Information about Abducted Ezidis (Yazidis) Project to Monitor Provincial Budget in Four Iraqi Provinces Kurdistan Democratic Party resorts to Federal Court
We are opposition and boycott Nineveh Council


Amina and Khawar Broke Stereotypes and Were Up to the Task Workers Still Under Sunlight in Scorching Summer Real Estates Doubled in Daquq, Kirkuk Armenians of Dohuk Upset: Our Seat in Kurdistan Parliament Gone Life Sentence for Killer of Khwanas
“Ten bullets killed Khwanas, and we were shot with thousands of bullets”


Human Rights Situation in Iraq deteriorated in 2023, US State Department 2023 Report Iraq Amends Law against Prostitution and Homosexuality, US Concerned over Freedoms On Kurdish Press Day: Contradictory Messages by KRG Premier and his Deputy about Freedom of Expression Tension Escalates over Appointment of Diyala Governor Abolishing minority quota fuels hate speech against minorities in Iraqi Kurdistan Region


Celebration of Jama Feast in Lalish Temple Ashura in Kirkuk and Khanaqin Massive dust storm in disputed territories Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive Ezidis of Baadry, vaccinate to survive

My Story

From engineering to accessory design: Nagham won the bet! Kurdish Activist at Climate Change Summit, Who is Hella Jalal? Muhannad: Veterinarian volunteered to save stray animals Laila Ahmed: I convey voice of marginalized Saleh Mahmoud: I encourage young people to harness technology in their projects

From Environment

Fungal disease hits 27,000 hectares of wheat crop within weeks in Kirkuk KRG not doing enough to crack down on vehicles emitting black smoke Litter Piling up in in Khanaqin as Cleaning Company Stops Working Greenhouse Waste: Disaster Threatens Environment, Food security in Garmian Garbage Threatens Garmian's Environment
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