Azadi hopsital’s medical wastes including surgical wastes were littered in a major street of the because the hospital’s disposal equipment did not not function.
A local, who collects Iron and plastic from the waste, which he sells later, stated, “every day the drivers leave the hospital’s waste here. In this bag waste, there is even leftover of human body.”
day the drivers leave the hospital’s waste here. In this bag waste, there is even leftover of human body.”
On the street, the smell of the waste spread and some of the plastic bags are torn.

“We tear the bags and see if there is plastics. The health directorate should not accept putting the hospital’s waste here and should dispose them,” he added.
Every hospital has its own disposal equipment to dispose its medical waste but the disposal equipment of Azadi hospital no longer functions and the hospital are waiting for budget to repair it.

Karim Wali, head of Kirkuk directorate, told KirkukNow that, “I was aware that the disposal equipment of the hospital does not work and we were waiting for funds but I did not know that the hospital’s wastes were left there.”
“I will inform the authority of the hospital right now. if that is right, I will inform them to take the wastes back and dispose them in the hospital’s disposal equipment that was just fixed,” he claimed.

After 24 hours of his promise to remove the medical waste from the street, KirkukNow reporter visited the street and noticed that part of the wastes was burned there and the other were removed.
However, KirkikNow after many attempts could not reach head of Azadi Hospital.