Fires have burned over two thousand donums of grain crops in Kirkuk and another six thousand in Nineveh.
Kadihim Burhan, general director of civil defense directorate in the ministry of interior, in his visit to Kirkuk told KirkukNow that the grain crops burning has increased since April 20, 2020.
“In that period, 35 fire incidents happened in Kirkuk, which collectively burned 149 donums of grain crops,” he said, “the grains crops burned Kirkuk are less than those burned in the other provinces.” [Each donum is an area equivalent to 2,500 square meters]
He also mentioned that 64 fire incidents took place in Nineveh, which has burned six thousand and 63 donums of mostly grain crops and partially brown grass.
In the meantime, 66 fire incidents ocured in Salahuddin province, burning 572 donums of grain crops.

Kirkuk, grain crops are burning, 2020. Photo: Exclusive to KirkukNow
The Iraqi civil defense director also revealed that the fire incidents are less compared to last year, in which 55 thousand donums of grain crops burned, while this year 10 and 242 donums have burned so far, adding that the harvesting seasons is also reaching its final phase.
Mahdi Qaisi, an advisor to the ministry of agriculture, has spoken to the Iraqi television and explained three reasons behind the fires, which are arson by the Islamic State militants, negligence and the cigarettes butts of farmers and people.
Despite the fire incidents, thousands of grain crops were damaged by heavy rainfalls and hailstones in Nineveh and Kirkuk.
Kirkuk and Nineveh have large fertile areas, which are annually planted with wheats and barley