An Ezidi NGO calls on parents lost kids younger than one year old in 2014, when Islamic State ISIS militants took over Mosul, to practice DNA tests to unveil the identity of the 7-year-old Ezidi kid freed last week in Turkey.
Turkish police arrested an ISIS key figure ON February 25th in Ankara with was arrested and a 7-year-old Ezidi kid freed, Turkish Independent reported. The Daesh Amir was formerly officer of Iraqi army and later joined ISIS in Mosul northern city, stronghold of ISIS from 2014 to 2017.
The kid would have been younger than one year old when ISIS took over the Ezidi predominant town of Shingal, southwest of Mosul on the Iraqi-Syrian border. Currently she is with the directorate of family, labor and social service in Ankara.
"The Daesh Amir, lord, confessed the girl is Ezidi and she is 7 but she has no ID and no idea who and where are the parents," said Khairi Ali, director of Shingal branch of Ezidi organization for documentation.
"The Daesh Amir, lord, confessed the girl is Ezidi and she is 7 but she has no ID and no idea who and where are the parents,"
"She might have been only 40-days-old when Daesh took her as we have complaints about babies aged 30-40-days old missing when Daesh attacked Shingal," he added.
Khairi called on families lost babies in 2014 and so far missing to contact related Iraqi authorities and make DNA tests as in several cases, kids found their families through DNA test.
"Many women were pregnant in the attacks and gave birth in slavery so now the kids are 7 but either have no ID or they are missing."
Ezidis are an ethno-religious minority of about 550,000 people, mostly residing in Shingal, in northern Iraqi province of Nineveh. The militants of Daesh extremist group in 2014 attacked their communities, killing thousands of men and taking thousands of women and children, in an atrocity the U.N. said amounted to genocide.
IS reportedly used the women and girls as sex slaves. Tens of thousands of Ezidis are still living in Internally Displaced People IDP camps in Iraqi Northern Province of Duhok.

A mother united with her son held captive by ISIS in March 2019. Photo by kirkuknow.
KirkukNow has contacted Iraqi Kurdistan's directorate for liberation of the abducted but they revealed no information for lack of full information about whereabouts of the case.
The body said last February that 6417 Ezidis were abducted, so far 2800 still missing, mainly girls and kids.
Saeb Khidir, an Ezidi MP, said, "We made follow-up for the case and as first step via KirkukNow we call on the families lost babies at that time to contact us in order to approach Turkish government and start the DNA test process in order to unite the kid with her siblings."
The Turkish Independent reported that Azad Barish, president of Ezidi Cultural Establishment in Germany, showed willingness to adopt the kid.
On March 1st, the Iraqi parliament ratified a law for reparation of Ezidi, Tukrmen, Christian and Shabak women survivors of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ISIS atrocities.
The bill provides Ezidi and other minority women who survived the IS massacre with financial support, health care, work opportunities, education, rehabilitation, and reconstruction in their villages and towns.