The Geneva Center for Human Rights and Global Dialogue awards the Human Rights Recognition Award HRRA 2023 to a human rights and environment activist in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq KRI.
The director of the New Organization in Halabja received the Environmental Protection Champions Award for the year 2023 in honor of her efforts in the field of human rights and environmental preservation.
Hero Ahmed was announced as the winner of the award on December 10, International Human Rights Day.

The statement announcing the award by the Geneva Center for Human Rights and Global Dialogue
“The award doubles the responsibility placed on me and motivates me to make greater efforts for human rights and environmental protection, and at the same time creates more opportunities for the (NOI) organization to develop its work in these fields, which is in the interest of society,” Hero said.
Hero Ahmed has been working with the Nwe organization since 2006. The organization consists of three main departments: women, media, and environment.
The organization has carried out interesting work in the field of the environment, including establishing a factory to recycle plastic waste and use it to make new products, in addition to organizing seminars to spread environmental awareness and inform society of the dangers of climate change.
"As part of our work in the field of the environment, we created a park within the city of Halabja, and we have another project to make environmentally friendly alternatives instead of nylon bags," Hero said in addition to a project to recycle old clothes.

The organization run by Hero carries out campaigns to clean up the city, as well as planting trees in nine schools there.
After receiving the award, Hero said, “I am thinking of encouraging girls and women who want to work in the field of human rights and environmental protection so that together we can achieve a society that preserves human rights and whose members respect each other, regardless of gender, religion, and political beliefs.”