“I am happy I participated in this training and learned tailoring and sewing. Now, I sew clothes with my sewing machine,” said Sara proudly.
Sara, a 17-year-old from Tal Afar district in Ninewa governorate, has faced significant challenges. Now residing in Mosul city with her family, Sara is enrolled in the UNICEF-supported accelerated learning programme, completing second and third grades in a single year. Passionate about drawing, Sara finds solace in art, using it to express her feelings and experiences.
In 2014, conflict forced Sara and her family to flee their home. They ended up in Al Hol camp in Syria, where life was harsh and uncertain. “Living in Al Hol camp was very difficult,” recalled Sara. “We lived in fear and lacked adequate water and food, undermining our survival and safety.”
The family stayed at Al Hol camp in Syria until 2022. Then they returned to Iraq and settled at Jadaa 1 rehabilitation center in Ninewa governorate. “In comparison with Al Hol camp, our situation improved,” added Sara. “At Jadaa 1, we had better access to food, and learning opportunities and we felt safe.”

Sara benefitted from various courses, including adolescent toolkit courses and activities like drawing, weaving, and handicrafts. UNICEF/Iraq2024/Dlshad
During the conflict, Sara and her family lost all their documentation. With the help of the civil documentation team at UNICEF, a lawyer provided Sara with the necessary papers to enroll in school and he is currently working on obtaining a new ID for her.
At Jadaa 1 rehabilitation center, UNICEF played a pivotal role in Sara’s life. Like all girls at the center, Sara benefitted from various courses, including adolescent toolkit courses and activities like drawing, weaving, and handicrafts. This support continued even after the family left the rehabilitation center. Sara received mental health and psychosocial support sessions at home, which had a transformative impact on her.
“After five sessions, I became more optimistic,” added Sara with a smile. “I didn’t have friends before, but now I have become more sociable.” Added Sara. Sara benefited from the breathing techniques taught during these sessions, which helped her manage her emotions, especially during challenging times.
Sara also participated in a one-month vocational training programme focusing on sewing. Now, she is able to sew clothes from her home and she dreams of owning her own tailor shop one day.
Sara’s journey is an example of resilience and determination. With the constant support of UNICEF, funded by the Government of Canada, she has turned her challenges into opportunities. As she excels in her studies and develops her sewing skills, Sara dreams of owning her own tailor shop.
Note: To protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals mentioned in this story, some of the names have been altered.