2021-08-29 House for coexistence in the Ezidi region Family of Ezidi sentenced to death seek reconciliation The relatives of a member of the Ezidi community convicted of murderseek consent of and reconciliation with the counterparty which insists on cooperation of... Fuel shortage in a town of Shingal Fuel shortage in a town of Ninewa resulted in long queues in front of government petrol stations for hours since a month as the portion of the town has been... Relatives of Ezidis slaughtered by IS await reparation for years Hamid Mahmud is commuting between government offices of Ninewa and spent a lot of money to finalize application to get a salary as financial reparation for... Security checkpoints give Shingal farmers hard time Hadi Qasim is a farmer from Gohbal community of Sinuny subdistrict of Shingal. Qasim has to get many letters and approvals from government offices in order... Pope's trip slightly touched life of Christians The Christians in the plains of Ninewa are upset and disappointed as the campaign of proper utilities and public services launched ahead of Pope Francis’s... ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ›