2022-04-13 Kirkuk: tortured kid hospitalized, five abandoned Turkmens worried by senior politicians' exchange of accusations Turkmen activists, media men and politicians expressed their discontent with what is happening inside the Turkmen House regarding the exchange of... Kirkuk Folk Museum opens door for visitors Ten years after its construction, the Kirkuk Folklore Museum has recently opened its doors with statues a portfolio of statues reflecting the old... Kirkuk Folk Museum opens door for visitors Ten years after its construction, the Kirkuk Folklore Museum has recently opened its doors with statues a portfolio of statues reflecting the old... Convicted Kurdish farmers of Daquq released The two farmers found guilty by court in Kirkuk based on lawsuit by Arab farmers were released based on social deal between both parties and voluntary... Gangs deceive tens of Kirkuk residents Dhia Jalil was in a dire situation, so he acquiesced to the demands of a group of people claiming to be working for a charity organization and gave him $100... Price of vegtables and fruits doubled in Kirkuk The prices of vegetables and some fruits has doubled in Kirkuk following the strike by greengrocers in a wholesale bazaar of Kirkuk on Tuesday in protest of... Senior positions for Kirkukis in upcoming cabinet Two Kirkuki figures are nominated to take senior positions of deputy prime minister and a minister in the upcoming cabinet, sources told KirkukNow. A... 250 job opportunities for war-torn Hawija Local administration and the United Nations are pushing hard to generate job opportunities for the youth especially in war-ravaged regions following the... Policeman commits suicide in Kirkuk A policeman in Kirkuk has committed suicide on Wednesday in his house by pistol gunfire, a security source anonymously told KirkukNow. This case of suicide... "Security of Kirkuk is a red-line" The head of the Turkmen bloc in the Iraqi parliament demanded not to make Kirkuk an arena for political conflict between the conflicting forces in the talks... Dilkhosh: teacher hit me for not clipping my fingernails Dilkhosh Kamran's right hand and arm up to elbow is casted and attached to her neck, because medical examinations diagnosed two fractures in the bones of... No cooking gas crisis in Kirkuk The director of the Kirkuk branch of the Gas Filling and Services Company denied the gas shortage in Kirkuk and stressed that some “brokers and mean... ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ›