2021-06-05 Ammar al-Hakim: I have not expected such tidiness in Kirkuk Jumaili fights flames of blown up oil wells Though he is a pensioner, yet his passion for his career pushes him into the fire of oil wells he puts off in order to save the wealth of his city and earn... Jumaili puts off fire of oil wells Though he is a pensioner, yet his passion for his career pushes him into the fire of oil wells he puts off in order to save the wealth of his city and earn... Kirkukis take to the streets unless Baghdad delivers more electricity The absence of adequate power supply to the multiethnic city of Krikuk unites all its people and their representatives in the face of Baghdad asking for... Kirkukis vow to take the streets unless Baghdad delivers more electricity The absence of adequate power supply to the multiethnic city of Krikuk unites all its people and their representatives in the face of Baghdad asking for... Kirkukis vow to take the streets unless Baghdad delivers more electricity The absence of adequate power supply to the multiethnic city of Krikuk unites all its people and their representatives in the face of Baghdad asking for... Kirkukis vow to take the streets unless Baghdad delivers more electricity The absence of adequate power supply to the multiethnic city of Krikuk unites all its people and their representatives in the face of Baghdad asking for... I spent my life running for breadwinning Ahmed Sabir has been working as a laborer for the last three decades yet still he is in need and always in a critical financial situation. In Ahmed Agha... I spent my life running for breadwinning Ahmed Sabir has been working as a laborer for the last three decades yet still he is in need and always in a critical financial situation. In Ahmed Agha... Tens of Syrian families live on the streets of Kirkuk Khadija Shams fled war-torn Syria to Iraq but since six years she is leading a very miserable live on the streets of Kirkuk. Shams is originally from the...