2021-03-08 The Kaka'is seek Pope's support Kaka’i veteran lives in agony without necessary painkillers Every night Almas’ sleep is disrupted by the pain caused by the injuries in his back and his dysfunctioning leg, as he neither has painkillers, nor can he... COVID-19 causes shut down of century-old Kaka’i pottery factory COVID-19 has forced a skilled and experienced Kaka’i potter to shut down his business. In addition to the human cost, the coronavirus pandemic has caused... Kakais' anguish in search for security Violence and threats forced Naji Khurshid Kakai to unwillingly abandon his warm house surrounded by his relatives and to begin living in displacement.... Kakai minority fights for life on two fronts Members of Iraq’s Kakai minority fight on two fronts. While the security forces have enforced strict measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus,...