You will be Registered in Province you Reside, Kirkuk Statistics Authority Supervisor

The Kirkuk Citadel, center of the city. KirkukNow

By Rebaz Hasan

The central supervisor of Kirkuk Province in the Statistics Authority, announced that people will be registered in the province they reside not where born and the population census process is separate from the census mentioned in Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution.

He emphasized that "the food ration card and the national card will not be withdrawn from anyone," despite rumors suggesting otherwise.

Hussein Hamid, appointed by the Iraqi government to oversee the population census process in Kirkuk, explained in an interview with KirkukNow that the primary objective of the census is for the government to understand the population distribution of citizens and their specific needs of public services.

The upcoming general census, scheduled for November, will be the first population census in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq KRI since 1997.

"If a citizen holds a six-month residence permit in another region, they will be counted in the region where they reside. However, this will not impact the province to which they belong (born in)," Hussein Hamid clarified.

"For example, if you are originally from Kirkuk but live in Erbil or Sulaymaniyah, your residency will affect the services provided in that region, but not your original Province."

The northern, oil-rich, ethnically mixed province of Kirkuk is home to about 1,77 million Kurds, Turkmen, and Arabs. Located 238 kilometers north of Baghdad, Kirkuk has long been at the center of disputes between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government KRG.


KirkukNow: The Iraqi Ministry of Planning will conduct a general census in Iraq on November 20, 2024. What is the main goal of this census?

Hussein Hamid: The goal of this population census is to understand the distribution of the population across regions to improve service provision, such as water, electricity, and schools.


KirkukNow: What official documents are required for the census process?

Hussein Hamid: Citizens need to present their national card and food ration card during the census.


KirkukNow: Why was ethnicity not included in the census form?

Hussein Hamid: The census focuses on population distribution for service provision, so ethnicity is not relevant.


KirkukNow: Will this census be part of implementing Article 140, which includes a census as one of the stages?

Hussein Hamid: No, this census is not related to Article 140 unless specified by the Council of Ministers and the Federal Court. It does not specifically address ethnicity.


KirkukNow: What happens if you are not at home during the census?

Hussein Hamid: If your family members are present, showing your national ID will ensure your registration in the census.


KirkukNow: Will your ration card and national ID be withdrawn if you are not present in Kirkuk on census day?

Hussein Hamid: No, withdrawal of these documents is unrelated to the census. Residents

 will remain residents of their original province, but will be registered in the area where they reside.


KirkukNow: What information will be collected in the census?

Hussein Hamid: The census will gather data on profession, health, car ownership, housing, education, and service needs like water and electricity.

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