2024-12-29 Some Projects Implemented at Expense of Contractors, Head of Services Committee in Kirkuk Provincial Council You will be Registered in Province you Reside, Kirkuk Statistics Authority Supervisor The central supervisor of Kirkuk Province in the Statistics Authority, announced that people will be registered in the province they reside not where born... Who are the Daouda (Daoudi)? Magic of Kirkuk's Folk Music "We have been playing the dahol (drums -table) and zurna (double reed wind instrument) for all Kurdish components, for generations. There are no ethnic... New Protrait of Soran Mama Hama on Kirkuk Citadel Fence A new portrait of the murdered journalist Soran Mama Hama was revealed by a group of civil society activists, journalists, and Kirkuk residents. The... Can Rakan Al-Jibouri Act as Governor of Kirkuk? Rakan Saeed Al-Jibouri still officially identifies himself as the governor of Kirkuk, despite carrying out his duties as a member of the provincial council...