Reports 2024-04-14 Sako to Leave Erbil for Baghdad? Two IDPs swept away by Dohuk floods, one missing, lately married Mahmoud rushed to save Omar, who was stuck in the middle of the torrents, but the strong torrential wave swept them both away within seconds, and their... Remains of 67 Ezidis MissingFamilies Demand Disclosure of Identities, Death Certificates Sabah's father was killed by extremist militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIS ten years ago, and he is still looking for his remains so that... Costs Exceed Revenues: Potato Inflicts Losses on Bashiqa Farmers Hoping to obtain good revenues, Ali Ahmed allocated a plot of land to grow potatoes, but his crop instead of bringing him profit have caused him losses. For Fourth Time, Diyala Provincial Council Fails to Form Local Government The winning blocs in the Diyala Provincial Council failed for the fourth time to form the local government due to continuing disagreements over the... Imminent Agreement to Form Tuz Khurmatu District Administration while Kurds Miss Qualified Candidates The Kurds in Tuz Khurmatu district face the problem of the lack of “suitable candidates” to assume the administrative positions that are scheduled to be... Mount Shingal IDPs: No Aids, no Compensation! Hundreds of displaced families in Mount Shingal (Sinjar), in Nineveh, are not covered by the financial grant that the Iraqi government allocated to... Closing education representations in Kurdistan Region “threatens” future of 155,000 pupils The Iraqi Ministry of Education decided to close all its representations in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region IKR where 155,000 pupils will be deprived of... Boys work and girls get married: Teens of Kifri village forced to quit school None of Salima Hamid's 13 children completed sixth grade, as the boys quickly turned to hard labor, and her daughters were married off at an early age. Imported Brazilian cows to be quarantined until confirmed safe, Iraqi authorities The Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture decided to place 19,000 Brazilian cows imported from Brazil in quarantine for the purpose of ensuring their safety, while... Dozens of Ezidi Survivors of ISIS Atrocities Deprived of Compensation Although they submitted required documents and followed the procedures for obtaining compensation and receiving a monthly salary, the requests of dozens of... Kurds Lost Half of Nineveh Senior Positions The Kurdish political parties in Nineveh will have their share in the new administration of the governorate, represented by the position of deputy governor... Cost of meat 50% up for decline in local production The government and merchants attribute the rise in red meat prices to six reasons after the price of one kilogram KG of meat in Kirkuk reached 23,000 Iraqi... ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 51 52 ›