2021-04-19 Mother accuses husband and brother of burning her 11-year-old son Mother accuses husband and brother of burning her 11-year-old son Asmahan Farih, 33, accuses her husband who is her cousin at the same time and her brother of burning her son as a pressure card to give up her share in... Mother accuses husband and brother of burning her 11-year-old son Asmahan Farih, 33, accuses her husband who is her cousin at the same time and her brother of burning her son as a pressure card to give up her share in... Why 9-year-old Zuber was killed? His neighbor told him at home he has empty cans and garbage from which Zuber, only 9, makes his daily living so he immediately agrees to go to inside with... Kirkuk: The oil rich city sunk in garbage Sara Diler was watching news about tidiness campaigns in Kirkuk to sweep piles garbage all over the city while the scene at their neighborhood was the same.... Kirkuk has no tourism statistics Official government bodies in Kirkuk do not follow any statistics of tourists and no attention paid to tourism sector despite the archeological sites in the... ‹ 1 2 ›