2021-03-05 "Our Lady of Salvation" Syro-Catholic Cathedral in Baghdad: Commemoration of 2010 prayer victims Iraq's Chinese Vaccine deal covers only 20% of population Iraq has purchased 16 million doses of China's Sinopharm Covishield covid-19 vaccines covering only one fifth of the total population. On March 2nd, Iraq... $213M revenues for 3.8M barrels of Kirkuk oil last February Export of Kirkuk oil fields has flourished in 2021 compared to last year as figures by Iraqi ministry of oil shows. In February 2021, Kirkuk has produced... Iraqi parliament passes reparation law for Ezidi survivors Iraqi parliament ratified a law for reparation of Ezidi, Tukrmen, Christian and Shabak women survivors of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ISIS atrocities,... Teenage girl student dead by hunting rifle in Kirkuk A teenage student died for plying with hunting rifle in Kirkuk on Saturday, police says. “The girl was playing with the rifle and pressed the trigger so... Conflict over land of Kaka'i minority in Daquq disputed territories Residents of Rizgari settlement of Kaka'i religious minority call on related local and federal authorities for support as Arab settlers ask them for... “Press freedom is increasingly under threat in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq” Three international media development organizations express their grave concern that that press freedom is increasingly under threat in the Kurdistan Region... Kurds strive for unified Kurdish parliamentary bloc in Kirkuk Heat debate is ongoing among the Iraqi Kurdish parties in Kirkuk to form an umbrella list that gathers all for the upcoming parliamentary elections in... Hundreds fined in Kirkuk and Duz Khurmatu for breaking Covid-19 second lockdown Hundreds of people in Kirkuk and Duz Khurmatu district of Salahaddin province were fined from $17 up to $3,500 for violation of lockdown imposed since... 25 camps for 671,000 IDPs in Iraqi Kurdistan region Over 670,000 internally displaced people IDPs are living in 25 camps across Iraqi Kurdistan region, KRG ministry of interior said. Latest data released by... 16 media outlets and publishers call for release of 5 jailed reporters and activists 16 media outlets and publishing institutions in Iraq including KirkukNow media outlet called in a statement on international organizations for protection of... Kirkuk streets deserted under Covid-19 variant lockdown Kirkuk province and other disputed areas are back to lockdown under new restrictions to avoid the second wave of COvid-19’s UK variant. Last week,... Full curfew in Kirkuk during the weekends Kirkuk crisis group decided to shut all Kirkuk checkpoints in face of other cities as part of the new plan to fight the late surge in Covid-19 cases. The... ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 25 26 ›