2021-01-29 Senior ISIS members killed in Kirkuk, attack plan foiled Security changes happen in Daquq The security forces remove two checkpoints in the outskirts of Daquq district and intensify their observations inside the district, that is a part some... Five members of a family die of COVID-19 in 15 days Five members of a family in Kirkuk have died of the novel coronavirus within 15 days. On Friday, June 26, eight persons died of coronavirus in Kirkuk, two... Kirkuk: nine health workers infected with COVID-19 Nine members of the medical teams in Kirkuk’s hospital and the other health offices have contracted the novel coronavirus when they had treated the other... Kirkuk: More forces deployed to Daquq to root out Daesh More security forces are being deployed to Daquq district, 44 km southern Kirkuk, to launch numerous operations against the Islamic State (IS) sleep cells,... KirkukNow publishes confession of suspect involved in beheading police officer Bahjat Anwar, a police officer who was founded beheaded on a street, had a verbal fighting with a couple of persons and his head was hit with the glass base... Kirkuk: hotel booked to quarantine people does not include lunch and dinner meals The Plaza Hotel is bookd to quarantine people by Kirkuk Local Administration, but people are only served breaksfast meals and have to buy lunch and dinner... Details on numerous security incidents in Kirkuk in the past 72 hours In the last 72 hours, several security-related incidents happened in Kirkuk province, including shooting the checkpoints of the security forces, setting up... 'A group of Islamic State sleep cells' arrested in Kirkuk On Thursday, April 16, A group of Islamic State (IS) sleep cells was arrested, and their weapons were confiscated by the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) in... Kirkuk: Two bomb explosions kill three and wound another three Three members of the security forces were killed, and another three were wounded in two car bombs, according to more than source spoke to KirkukNow. The... Daquq; Seventh Kakai village evacuated amid insurgent groups, three villages remain with few people Residents of Matiq village in Daquq, 44 km southern Kirkuk, decided to evacuate the village due to the fear of insurgent groups, becoming the seventh... 'ISIS' kills four people in a village in Kirkuk Numerous youth were killed and wounded in a shop in Dibis district, northwestern Kirkuk, amid a gunman shooting. The incident happened yesterday,... Arab parties in Kirkuk want 'Arab prisoners' held in Kurdistan Region released United Arab Front (UAF) once more asks about the fate of Arab prisoners in the Kurdistan Region’s jails in a letter sent to the newly designated prime... ‹ 1 2 3 4 ›