2020-08-19 Kirkuk interim governor sacks three KDP-affiliated officials Federal Integrity Commission confiscates 3 real estate properties worth $38,64 million On Tuesday, the Federal Integrity Commission restored ownership of three real estate properties in Kirkuk Province to the state. The total value of the... COVID-19 outbreak in third IDP camp in Duhok: Kabartu 1 The Ministry of Immigration and Displacement has announced that 13 cases of COVID-19 infection have been registered in Kabartu 1 camp in Dohuk... More than 20 "ISIS militants" arrested and 8 killed near Iraqi-Syrian border A security source confirmed that armed groups were planning to infiltrate Iraq from Syria, based on accurate intelligence information obtained by the Iraqi... One civilian and two militants killed during clashes west of Kirkuk City Security forces in Kirkuk clashed with and killed two militants who were trying to plant an IED. Two civilians (brothers) assisted the security forces in... New ISIS strategy: Targeting high-ranking officers In attacks attributed to ISIS, in less than 30 days, three senior officers were killed in different areas, the last of which was Kirkuk Province. The... Daquq district dotted with pictures of political and military figures The streets and alleys of Daquq are covered with pictures of military and political party leaders, while the district has been suffering from deteriorating... Viyan Dakhil: For how much longer do we have to beg for our citizenship? The Ezidi community complains of marginalization in obtaining government positions, as no Ezidi figure has been granted any position in the government of... Iraqi Parliament to debate Anti-Domestic Violence Law soon After the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided on sending a law on domestic violence, a few steps left for it to be passed. At its 4 August meeting, the... Iraqi court releases former commander of Nineveh Operations on bail Former commander of Nineveh Operations, Lieutenant General Mahdi al-Gharrawi has been released from prison on Saturday 1 August 2020, says the Ministry of... Iraqi Oil Ministry: Kirkuk oil production for July reduced by nearly 25% Iraq’s Ministry of Oil has made public the total production and export amounts of crude oil for the month of July. Kirkuk’s total oil production was... Kirkuk’s Kurdish education staff demand to be treated as Iraqi citizens Kirkuk’s teachers and other staff who give education in Kurdish have three demands for Iraq’s Council of Ministers and President. Their demands include... Arrest warrants issued for several officials in Kirkuk Warrants issued by Kirkuk Court for the arrest of a number of officials in the province on corruption charges involving Project Saqar Kirkuk (or ‘Project... ‹ 1 2 ... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... 25 26 ›