Reports 2019-04-23 Newly-opened creativity center nurtures women’s talents in Talafar End of Islamic State group’s Caliphate leads Ezidis' hopes towards despair The announcement of victory over the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria is turning Ezidis’ hopes of finding their missing loved ones into despair as more... Nawroz celebrated in disputed territories in festive atmosphere The Nawroz celebrations proceeded peacefully in the disputed territories of Iraq. Despite fears of tensions in some areas including Kirkuk, people... The story of Mazin and his companions’ escape from Baghouz to Shingal On the final days of the Caliphate in Syria, The Islamic State (IS) group wanted to use Mazin Saleem and his friends in their desperate scrabble for... Disputes arise over land ownership in a Kirkuk village amid fears of escalation A number of Arab families are claiming ownership of agricultural lands in Tarjil, a village in in southeastern Kirkuk’s Laylan sub-district, while... Return option for thousands of IDPs to Diyala disputed territories delayed until further notice Three reasons are said to be delaying the return of thousands of displaced families who fled disputed territories in Diyala province though given the green... Ezidis to choose between six candidates to succeed hereditary leader Late Mir Tahsin Beg So far six Ezidis have been nominated to succeed deceased leader of the Ezidi community Mir Tahsin Beg. A single nominee is due to be settled next... Dozens of mass graves in Shingal await start of exhumation Despite the lengthy process of follow-up and preparations, dozens of Islamic State (IS)-era mass graves found in Ninawa’s Ezidi district of Shingal (Sinjar)... Ezidi woman survivor’s brutal ordeal under IS Sherihan Rasho is still in shock from what she had seen after Islamic State (IS) militants stormed her hometown Shingal (Sinjar) in the summer of 2014. Her... ‹ 1 2 ... 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ›